After contacting the Montgomery County MGV coordinator to initiate the application process, complete the following steps. 

  1. Create an account in Hands On Connect
  2. Complete the application and completed reference page online (signature required)
  3. Register for the Master Gardener Volunteer Training Program and pay the $150.00 registration Fee  
  4. Complete background check (The background check payment is in addition to the registration fee)
  5. Complete a multi-week training plus 50 hours of volunteer time

Our volunteer application, screening, training procedures and First Advantage criminal background checks are part of our overall commitment to keep all program participants safe.

Please click here to review the MGV2 Program Policy Statement


For information on the application process, email Leeoria Willis-Burritt at

Background Checks:  For information on where to obtain your BCI & FBI background checks including cost information, please visit the following: