ANR in Montgomery County
Ohio State University Extension Montgomery County agricultural mission is to bring to all agricultural enterprises the most current science-based research and educational programming available to further their specific goals. The program encompasses the traditional/non-traditional producer, the niche producer, the commercial nursery, hobby farmer and the urban stakeholder. General topics covered are land use, natural resources, resource conservation, commercial crop and livestock, production, fruit and vegetable production, marketing, financial and estate concerns. A special emphasis is placed on educational programming for the local producer supplying the local marketplace.
Contact ANR Educator, Leeoria Willis at: 937-224-9654 for information and answers to questions about your local environment.
You can also learn more about all OSU Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources programs at
Extension has been helping all Ohioans build better lives, better businesses and better communities since 1914.
Warren County Extension invites you to participate in "Planning for the Future of Your Farm"
For more information on this event, click HERE!
All About Goats! Spring Webinar Series
For information on the upcoming spring webinar series, All About Goats! Click HERE!
OSU Extension Launches New Food Business Central Online Course
Are you a baker ready to sell your home-baked goods? Are you a farmer looking for value-added opportunities for crops you’ve grown or livestock you've raised? Are you an entrepreneur aiming to use local agricultural products to make value-added foods? The new Food Business Central online course through Ohio State University Extension can equip you with knowledge and strategies to launch a successful farm-raised or home-based food business in Ohio.
Navigating food regulations, establishing a new business, and applying best practices for food safety can be challenges for food entrepreneurs. “Many people interested in starting a food business aren’t sure where to turn first,” says Emily Marrison, OSU Extension Family and Consumer Sciences Educator and course development team member. “This course is designed to serve as a centralized hub to connect participants to information and resources regarding all types of food products they might want to make and sell.”
OSU Extension experts will help you develop a Food Business Action Plan and learn what you need to start off organized, safe, compliant, and strategic. The self-paced course focuses on several food types including cottage foods and baked goods, canned foods, meat, poultry, eggs, and more. Throughout the course participants will consider key questions and develop action steps to take on their journey to start a food business. As food entrepreneurs complete the course, they will have the answers they need to complete a business plan with help from their local Small Business Development Center. The cost of the course is $25, and registration is at .
The development of the Food Business Central online course has been funded through a grant from North Central Extension Risk Management Education. This assistance comes from the United States Department of Agriculture through the National Institute of Food and Agriculture to develop resources that help farmers and ranchers effectively manage risk in their operations.
More Info Here
Backyard Poultry Certification Course
Are you interested in raising backyard poultry? Whatever your reason for raising poultry, you may be interested in the Backyard Poultry Certification Course. The self-paced course is expected to take 2-3 hours to complete and includes 6 modules. For more information on the course and to register, click HERE.
2024 Cattle Herd Health Seminar
Join OSU Extension and the Ohio State College of Veterinary Medicine for a day focused on beef cattle herd health and preventative care.
For details and registration information, click HERE!
Women in AG Wednesday Webinar
The 2023 Series will be on the 2nd Wednesday of each month 10:30am - 11:30 am Via Zoom Platform
Register at this link one time for all the series:
Join us on September 13, 2023, for the next session! For more information, click HERE
Farmers' Exposure to Dust and Noise Hazards at On-Farm Grain Facilities
This project focuses on the environmental respiratory exposure and the noise exposure farmers face at their on-farm grain storage and handling facilities. Measurements will also be collected on the workers’ respirators to determine their effectiveness and protection factors to combat the grain dust.
The expected impact of the study will help farmers and Extension researchers better understand the health hazards at on-farm grain storage facilities. Results will guide the development of training resources to help workers decrease their exposure to these hazards, and ultimately improve their quality of life.
What to expect during the exposure monitoring research:
- The research team will schedule a time to visit participants’ farms to collect data when bin cleaning activities occur. We kindly ask for a 1-day advance notice.
- Farmers will wear a backpack which contains the sampling equipment while they perform their normal work at the bins.
- Sampling will occur for the length of the bin cleaning task at one or multiple bins while on site. We understand this could be 30-minutes to several hours.
- A survey will also be completed by the farm worker(s) describing their use of respirators and hearing protection while working around on-farm grain bins. The survey will take about 15 minutes.
All participating farms will receive a personalized report of the findings at no cost. In addition, they will receive a summary of the final results from all farms sampled. No farm name or unique identifiers are included in the report – all data is aggregated for confidentiality.
This is a busy grain bin cleaning season, and we hope to be out sampling for the health of our Ohio farmers.
If you are interested please reach out to Leeoria Willis at or 937-637-6536. We will then put you in contact with the state team.
For More Information, click Here!
Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of restoring the Dayton VA Medical Center Historic Grotto Gardens: Simplifying Your Garden
Register for Simplifying Your Garden, presented by Debra Knapke.
Information and Registration Here!
Stockmanship Stewardship
Registration is now open for the 2023 Stockmanship Stewardship September 29-30 in Caldwel, Ohio!
For more information, click here!
2023 Home Garden Vegetable Trials:
For information on the 2023 Home Gardent Vegetable Trials, click here:
Farmers raising children survey: Farmers, ranchers, and their partners raising children wanted! Researchers are looking for primary caregivers of children under 18 to participate in an online survey about how they are juggling children and work. Full- and part-time farmers and ranchers are welcome to participate and may choose to enter a raffle to win one of fifty $50 checks. For questions or to request a paper survey, contact Florence Becot at 715-389-9379 or To fill out the online survey, visit this link:
Need information on Poison Hemlock?
Coping with Canada Geese: Conflict Management and Damage Prevention Strategies
Marne A. Titchenell, Program Specialist, Wildlife Management, School of Environment and Natural Resources
William E. Lynch Jr., Program Specialist, Aquatic Ecosystem Management, School of Environment and Natural Resources
Ohio residents are quite familiar with the distinctive “honking” voices from above as a flock of Canada geese fly by in v-formation overhead. To some, Canada geese represent one of nature’s more pleasing visual sights, while pond owners, golf club managers, and park district employees often view them as problematic. Prior to the 1960s, Canada geese were present in Ohio only during spring and fall migration, and they rarely nested. A successful re-introduction of a generally non-migratory race has allowed for Canada geese to nest on many water bodies in all 88 Ohio counties. This explosion in geese abundance has led to the inevitable conflicts that can occur when a wildlife species increases dramatically in numbers. However, knowledge of their biology and the various strategies to prevent visitation and damage can provide a basis for a goose management plan that minimizes conflicts and the problems created by those conflicts.
Click here for the full article!
Do You Get the Winter Blues? - Bridget Britton Behavioral Health Field Specialist
Do you suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)?
USDA Introduces New Insurance Policy for Farmers Who Sell Locally
USDA – Risk Management Agency (RMA) has a new insurance option for agricultural producers with small farms who sell locally. The Micro Farm policy simplifies record keeping and covers post-production costs like washing and value-added products. It is offered through Whole-Farm Revenue Protection and is available to producers who have a farm operation that earns an average allowable revenue of $100,000 or less, or for carryover insureds, an average allowable revenue of $125,000 or less. USDA Introduces New Insurance Policy for Farmers Who Sell Locally | RMA
Ohio Beginning Farmer Team
- Kurt Leber, Farm Service Agency, 419-660-5554
- Jennifer Brown, Rural Development, 937-393-1921 ext 137
- Jessica Heyen, Risk Management Agency,, 217-331-6844
- Doug Deardorff, Natural Resources Conservation Service, 740-396-2449
From the Division of Forestry, Ohio Natural Resources:
Ohio Virtual Pruning Training & Hands-On Workshops
Buckeye Yard & Garden Online
Alert on Fall Armyworms and insecticide information.
Ohio Landowner / Hunter Access Partnership
Have you heard about the new Ohio Landowner/Hunter Access Partnership Program through the ODNR, Division of Wildlife? In a nutshell, it is a Farm Bill funded program that pays landowners to allow hunter access to their property. Participating landowners receive annual payment rates ranging from $2.00 to $30.00 per acre depending on the characteristics of the property enrolled. Interested landowners can sign up at the link below.
Ohio Landowner / Hunter Access Partnership
Before you hire an arborist, check out this bulletin from the Ohio Division of Forestry:
Enhancing Agriculture and the Environment
Ohio’s diverse agricultural, horticultural and forestry industries contribute more than $100 billion to the state’s economy every year. OSU Extension agriculture and natural resources (ANR) programs assist with technology, marketing and educational support – protecting Ohio’s position in the global marketplace.
OSU Extension also works to help local residents and community leaders enhance and sustain the environment and natural areas throughout the state, balancing economic advancement with environmental sustainability.
Our ANR professionals help producers develop and expand profitable, sustainable farming and other agricultural businesses – thereby creating jobs and economic opportunity for Ohio’s citizens. They also provide leadership, collaboration, consulting, unbiased information, applied research, and access to land-grant university knowledge to address local issues and needs.